Apex for life
Apex is better than fortnite because in fortnite it is hard to build and edit but in apex you don't need to build or edit in apex you don't need to buy stuff but in fortnite it is so dear If you play 247 everyday you will get better and better then you will be the best in the world at apex When you become the best in the world you can give up your Korea and start a new life
Kia ora Lee, my name is Vaughan, I am a year 7 student at Paihia School. I like your post about Apex Legends because I am interested in gaming as welll. But in my opinion I think fortnite is better just because I've gotten pretty good at it over the years. You can always get better at things if you practice and yes fortnite can be expensive but my mum and dad limit the amount of V bucks I can purchase in a month. I've always looked forward to new seasons and games to see what changes they have made like the train in Apex Legends or the Agency in fortnite. Do you like any other Battle Royale games?